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Launching A Multicultural PR Campaign
Five tips to give your brand a multicultural advantage.
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 by CR 'Cataunya' Ransom
Mosnar Communications

CR RansomThe writing is on the wall and multicultural impact on public relations will certainly change the outlook of PR campaigns. Companies who learn to implement target strategies directed toward multicultural marketing will lure the best returns.

A multicultural PR campaign has the phenomenal potential to target a buying power predicted of $1 Trillion Dollars.  With researchers strongly predicting African American and Hispanic communities being the driving forces, predicting African Americans entirely will spend $1 Trillion Dollars annually by 2010.

What should companies be doing to compete and capture a piece of the multicultural market share? Should established brands even dare to restructure target markets to capture multicultural audiences?

As stressed earlier, the writing is on the wall. The buying power predicted for the multicultural audience is so strong that every company will have to address the issue of how to capture this audience.

The following tips are surefire strategies to successfully launch a multicultural PR campaign:

1. Enhance products and services features and benefits to suit multicultural audiences. Reflecting multicultural images is an ultimate solution to connect and appeal. 

2. Conduct a multicultural research analysis and implement products and services that are in demand. This will ensure supply and demand is being fulfilled.

3. Consider and research multicultural audiences cultural perspectives. This will strongly discourage and prevent stereotypes.

4. Incorporate multicultural word of mouth referrals. Immensely allows increasing brand awareness and loyalty.      

5. Enforce multicultural bilingual promotions. A resourceful opportunity to vastly target and capture multicultural audiences.

Targeting multicultural audiences could assist your company with increasing profit margins and brand awareness. Open the door to a Trillion Dollar opportunity today!  

CR "Cataunya" Ransom is the Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer 
of Mosnar Communications, Inc. in metro Atlanta, Georgia. 
CR consults clients and speaks to audiences relating to 
global marketing and public relations practices. 
To contact her visit her website at
or call 1 (404) 696-4833.

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